Credit: Tourism Nova Scotia / Photographer: Acorn Art & Photography
Credit: Tourism Nova Scotia / Photographer: Acorn Art & Photography
Five Islands Beach
Take Wharf Rd by Diane's Restaurant. You will pass the Clam Factory and floating wharf where a small lobster fleet ties up. see the boats away down on the riverbed at low tide. When the tide comes in, the wharf and boats come up, according to the height of the tide, close to the top of the posts. note the view of the Provincial Park and islands.
Credit: Tourism Nova Scotia / Photographer: Patrick Rojo
Economy Falls
7.5km(4.5mi) along the River Philip Rd, then a 1km(0.5mi) hike along an old woods road to stairs into a deep gorge where a natural geological phenomenon has ocurred in the collapse of a 20m (65ft) waterfall.
Lower Economy Flower Pot,
One of the most aesthetically pleasing stretches of our shoreline, Triassic sandstones carved by the power of the tides into “flowerpot” sea stacks, coves and caves.
Jacob's Lane
Drive to the end of the road, but not on the beach. Wide open space to view the bay and countryside.
Credit: Tourism Nova Scotia / Photographer: Patrick Rojo
Five Islands Light House
'Pepper Pot' wooden lighthouse built in 1913. Interpretive panels; view of Five Islands, beach access. Watch for Five Islands Fire Dept. on right and left turn just after Ellis' Store on Broderick Lane will lead you to a spectacular view of the islands, Five Islands Lighthouse, a day-use park and beach access.
Credit: Tourism Nova Scotia / Photographer: @daveyandsky
Thomas' Cove Coastal Reserve
Located on Economy Point, a large spit of coastal land jutting out into the waters from which the Mik'Maq word Kenomee (now Economy), is derived. An excellent vantage point for experiencing the ebb and flow of the mighty Fundy Tides. Trail Length: 8km (2 loop trails) Hiking Time: 1.5 hours each.
On Hwy 2, cross the Economy River Bridge; a right turn on Economy Point Road and a 2.3km drive past a beaver dam on your left, leads to the sign for the Reserve. (a right turn at the 3 way split in the road) Drive 1km to parking lot where you can access the beach or hike on the Headlands (left) or Economy (right) Trails.